Hay Guard is a trusted, research-backed preservative that allows hay producers to make hay at higher moisture, reducing mould and improving animal nutrition.
“We saw guys that had rain coming, lucerne that wasn't quite cured, and using Hay Guard they went out and baled anyway with absolute confidence.”
Mitch Stedman
“We use Hay Guard so that when you're a day or two short, we can still get baling and beat the rain.”
Phil Snowden
“We've been using Hay Guard for a few years now. We started testing on a few hundred bales. Now we're going to start doing whole paddocks."
Brett Mathews
I’m using it to improve hay production, to limit weather damage on hay, and increase yields.”
Brad Petchel
"Plastic retains the value of the feed, the same as Hay Guard, but Hay Guard® costs $8-$10 a tonne, so it is more than half the price of silage."
Joseph Conheady
“Using Hay Guard we can cut earlier which means we get better quality hay, we aren’t waiting for the middle of December – by the time the rain has stopped – and then it’s glorified straw."